Our Director, Tom Rae, has been featured in 2020 Autumn’s edition of Connect – the magazine for Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) alumni and friends. He was asked to discuss how his experiences at university paved the way for his career in commercial marketing:


“Reflecting on my BA Business Studies Honours Degree, I have no doubt that my time at ARU made me resilient and adaptable to change over the years, preparing me for the successful and challenging times I’ve faced throughout my career so far. My degree gave me a well-rounded knowledge of business operations, from law and economics to human resources and finance, whilst focussing on my specific area of interest – marketing.

In particular, ARU gave me the chance to explore 12-month placement opportunities, where I underwent a formal recruitment process with a Chelmsford-based insurance broker which included first- and second-stage interviews, aptitude and psychometric tests. This work experience, along with guidance from a skilled mentor, proved invaluable for my final year’s dissertation and became the springboard for my marketing career.

I have since gone on to work for a wide variety of employers in the financial and professional services sectors, ranging from global blue-chip organisations to local start-up companies. Nowadays I run a marketing consultancy – Stratagem – which supports businesses in need of professional support and expertise.”