World Courier, an AmerisourceBergen company, specialises in medical logistics for global clinical trials and the commercial supply chain, delivering solutions across cell & gene therapy, pharmaceutical storage/distribution and direct-to-patient services, among others.

With their unrivalled expertise came a wealth of content for their target audiences. Over time, this growing library meant that a thorough review was required and a better alignment with the sales pipeline. For our Consultant, Tom Rae, the need to develop new systems and processes for content generation and distribution was clear. This would greatly improve time and cost efficiencies going forward:

produce the right content, at the right time, to the right audience

The aims?

  • To streamline efforts in creating new sales and marketing content
  • To increase the emphasis on quality over quantity of content (i.e. it must be purposeful!)
Portfolio Audit

The initial stage was for us to decide which content we should ‘keep’, ‘review’, or ‘archive’ – based on its relevance and effectiveness. This was after having conducted a thorough audit of the organisation’s sales and marketing portfolio:

Sales materials – presentations, whitepapers, indicative service & pricing models, webinars on-demand, etc.
Marketing insights – factsheets, brochures, case studies, articles, infographics, etc.

This would later help to drive sales in the form of ‘Service Line Playbooks‘ which provide specific guidance on target audience engagement throughout the sales funnel [below].

Content Analysis

The next step was for us to hold interactive workshops with each Service Line Director, discussing specific aspects of their business:

  • Customer pain points (cost, timescale, capacity, etc.)
  • Key stakeholders in the supply chain (their goals, activities and obstacles)
  • Our differentiators (are they unique, valuable and proven?)
  • Competitive analysis and positioning

Combining these aspects of their business with how their target audiences engage throughout the sales funnel [pictured] would give us a compelling basis for producing targeted content going forward.

Sales Enablement

A bespoke software platform by Highspot provided us with an ideal solution. Its scope allowed us to tailor a system which supports sales teams in their day-to-day roles, helping to instill knowledge across all business lines and increase consumer confidence. The proposed formula for producing and disseminating content moving forward was simple:

customer personas + purchasing criteria = critical success factors

We helped to develop this cloud-based program, engaging with sales teams throughout, specifically tailoring functionality to suit their requirements and provide accurate and up-to-date resources at each stage of the sales cycle. It also integrated with the company’s existing CRM system – Salesforce – creating a more robust and consistent approach to handling new business enquiries, managing the lead conversion process and maintaining customer loyalty.