Our Consultant, Tom Rae, was called upon by a reputable creative design agency – Garda – to produce a well-rounded marketing strategy for an established firm of Solicitors.

The law firm had spent many years building traditional values linked to service and quality, but it was fair to say that ‘marketing‘ had not been high on their priority list historically. You could even argue that some Partners within the firm might have questioned the need for marketing at all.

Isn’t word-of-mouth, referral and reputation enough?

Given the extent of local competition, it was the ideal time for the client to ramp up the marketing of its specialist services – especially when it became quite apparent their rival firms were increasingly active across advertising, website development, events, sponsorship and social media.

Targeting those who know and trust your business already is one thing… but appealing to those who are unaware or unsure about your business is another challenge entirely.

The approach

Our proposed structure for the client was simple yet effective, and followed our recommended process – tailored to suit a client’s exact requirements:

Our main purpose was to provide the client with a way forward that is grounded in objectivity and considered in its approach to any marketing ideas undertaken, combining insights with realistic and achievable actions.

Stratagem will work with agencies and forge valuable alliances in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for clients.

The strategy

We set out a plan to develop the client’s brand recognition and corporate reputation by creating compelling content and conducting targeted campaigns. The strategy set out how to take a balanced approach to using the most effective online and offline marketing channels, improving their visibility with customers in the short term and growing the volume of new business opportunities in the longer term.

It’s our priority to provide a positive outcome for the client’s brand, along with the potential to adapt and apply our ideas in the future.

A good marketing strategy must stand the test of time!