For many who have limited or no in-house marketing resources, don’t know where to start, or have done very little in the way of any successful marketing historically – a marketing consultant is the best place to start when looking for a provider to steer things in the right direction.

This is purely because a marketing consultant will start with a blank sheet of paper, consider the bigger picture (not just campaigns and communications), create a strategy that is right for your business and focus on generating a return on investment from your marketing spend.

What makes a good marketing consultant?

Once you have decided that a marketing consultant is the right route to take, how do you evaluate who is right for your business? After all, you are no marketing expert – and that is why you’re bringing them in. You should look for the following skills and traits which we pride ourselves on, ensuring Stratagem is the perfect match for you:

  1. Experience
  2. The ability to listen and understand the business
  3. A good track record
  4. Dynamic – positive attitude and full of energy/ideas
  5. Traditional and digital experience
  6. Readily available testimonials
  7. Values

We will be sharing a series of insights which focus on each of these areas, helping you to make the right decisions and better understand the working relationship we have with our clients.

In the meantime, please contact us if you have any questions or queries about how we can help your business.