Our approach

Strategic marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s one of its key strengths as a business discipline.

At Stratagem, we advocate a tried-and-tested 6-step process to addressing strategic sales and marketing. This multi-pronged approach begins with a full audit of your current business development activities, and results in the delivery of an effective marketing strategy – which you can revisit and refine as your corporate objectives adapt over time.

Depending on your firm’s current situation, you may not require Stratagem’s support at every stage. For some clients, an internal marketing audit may be the only solution necessary to execute the remaining steps efficiently and effectively. Other clients may prefer support at each and every step of the process. It is about flexibility and accommodating your unique situation.

FREE 'Discovery' Session

A chance to ask questions, discuss ideas and set expectations

This no-obligation consultation is your opportunity to discover how Stratagem can improve your business development efforts going forward. At this initial stage, we will learn more about your current sales and marketing activities, your key competitors, and your performance objectives.

It is also a chance for you to discover how we have helped other clients in similar situations. Strategic marketing works best when a consultant can collaborate and work as part of your team, so we encourage working with key colleagues and decision makers.

After all, Stratagem is not an ‘outsider’ – we work alongside you on a journey to deliver the best possible outcomes!

Stratagem works with you to conduct a full audit of your current sales and marketing activities.

We’ll analyse the different channels you are using – as well as the ones you’re not – from media, events and printed materials, to web pages, email campaigns and social media.

We’ll assess how well each channel is performing, which ones are giving you the best ROI and how well your sales and marketing activities work together.

This process gives you a strong baseline from which to start creating or refining your future marketing strategy.

Solution 1 - Internal Audit

We will analyse your current marketing, and evaluate how well it is performing

Solution 2 - Market Research

Reviewing key stakeholders and market trends to uncover future opportunities

This solution sees us delve into your external market sector and uncover critical stakeholder data.

Stratagem will analyse your closest competitors to establish the key marketing activities they are undertaking – and uncover what is (as well as what isn’t!) succeeding for them.

We can drill into your customer and client behaviours to uncover new opportunities.

And we’ll also research key industry trends so you can position your business in ways to capitalise on them.

This is Stratagem’s solution that brings together all the key strategic data that we have uncovered. We will work with you to create an evidence-based marketing strategy that is designed to achieve your specific business objectives. It will maintain – and often improve – the marketing you are already doing well. Moreover, it will provide new, strategic recommendations across all channels – from traditional advertising to online media and ultimately lead generation.



Solution 3 - Marketing Strategy

We will develop a strategic plan to achieve your business objectives

Solution 4 - Tactical Delivery

Identify the resources to deliver your marketing strategy effectively

This is the nuts and bolts of delivering your strategic plan!

We can decide who’s able to put different parts of your marketing strategy into action… whether it’s members of your in-house team, existing marketing partners or new external talent.

If needed, Stratagem may be able to deliver aspects of your strategy or give you access to our preferred supplier shortlist – such as web developers, graphic designers, printers, copy writers and more.

We can consider the tools and training you’ll need to set KPIs, measure results and establish ROI from your sales and marketing activities. We can also show you how to leverage key learnings to continuously improve your strategy. Alternatively, we can manage and monitor this for you.

In the early stages of putting your marketing strategy into action, it is wise to measure results regularly. This allows you to benchmark progress and refine your strategy as needed. As your marketing starts to achieve the results you have aimed for, we can then begin to fine-tune metrics to deliver an even stronger ROI and adapt to your changing business goals.

Solution 5 - Tracking Progress

We can measure and refine your strategy going forward

Remember, you can ask for our help and support with any combination of these tailored solutions.

If you’d like to find out more, please contact us and we can book a free Discovery Meeting.

Get in touch today to book your free discovery meeting

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